BIBLE We believe that the Bible is the written account of the divine revelations of God. The Bible is God’s word and is useful as the supreme authority in matters of faith and practice. We believe that the Bible is inerrant and infallible. Its doctrines are true; its teachings are consistent, reliable and trustworthy. We believe that the Bible reveals God’s plan of redemption for mankind and it provides the only path to establishing personal relationship with God – salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone.
TRINITY There is only one God who is eternally existent in three persons – the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ, who is God manifested in the flesh, is the second member of the Godhead, co-equal and co-eternal with The Father and The Holy Spirit.
GOD We believe that God the Father is the Creator and Sustainer of all things. He created the universe to respond to Himself. He created man in His own image and for fellowship. God is neither begotten nor proceeding, but is the cause, origin, and beginning of all things visible and invisible.
JESUS We believe that Jesus pre-existed as God. He was conceived and born of a virgin through the divine work of the Holy Spirit. He lived a sinless life as a human, was crucified, killed and buried. We believe that he rose back to life on the third day according to the Holy Scriptures. We believe that Jesus bodily ascended to heaven where He is presently seated at the right hand of God while interceding for believers. He will return physically to judge the world.
HOLY SPIRIT We believe that the Holy Spirit is third person of the Holy Trinity. We believe that He is present in the world to make people aware of their need for Jesus Christ. He teaches, he regenerates, he guides, and he convicts people of sin and righteousness. We believe that the Holy Spirit commands and directs believers; he comforts; he calls and sends out believers into Christian service; he intercedes on behalf of believers; he seals believers; and he empowers believers with power for living and for acts of service.
MAN We believe that man was created by God in God’s image and likeness. God created man, not out of necessity but out of his own pleasure and for the purpose of man glorifying him. We believe that man is a personal being with both physical and spiritual qualities. Man is attributed a body, soul, spirit, heart, and mind. We believe that after creating the earth, God placed man in authority to rule over it. But man sinned against God and was condemned to face death as the consequence of sin. We believe that only God's grace and mercy through Jesus Christ can pardon man's sinful offenses against God. We believe that man’s salvation is possible only through positively responding to the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ on the cross.
CHURCH We believe that the church is a make-up of people who have placed their faith in Jesus. We believe that the universal church is a New Testament spiritual organism of which Christ is the head. The local church is a visible assembly of “ones called out” and a public display and demonstration of their faith in Christ. We believe that the primary duties of the church are to glorify God, to evangelize the world, and to edify believers. We believe that there are two ordinances of the church – Baptism and Lord’s Supper. The church as the bride of Christ is to keep herself pure from false teaching and the godlessness of this world.
SALVATION We believe that salvation comes only by placing one’s faith in Jesus Christ as one’s personal Lord. We believe that the recipient of the gift of salvation becomes a new creation and is a beneficiary of Jesus Christ’s propitiatory sacrifice. Salvation gives birth to a new relationship in which believers are adopted into God’s family. We believe that this relationship is perpetual; hence the believer is always saved and is eternally secured. We believe that salvation results in sanctification, a process of progressive growth in grace which consummates with the glorification of believers.
SECOND COMING We believe that the period of great tribulation in the earth will be climaxed by the return of the Lord Jesus Christ to the earth as He went, in person on the clouds of heaven, and with power and great glory to introduce the millennial age, to bind Satan and place him in the abyss, to lift the curse which now rests upon the whole creation, to restore Israel to her own land and to give her the realization of God’s covenant promises, and to bring the whole world to the knowledge of God.