With the partnership of GoServ Global, we build Hope Centers for orphans, using Safe T Homes®. Safe T Homes® are produced by Sukup Manufacturing in Iowa. They are time-tested and have proven to be practical, economical, and efficient for good quality accommodation. Each home has a lifespan of 80 plus years and can accommodate up to ten children.
In January 2023, GoServ Global helped us to establish our first Safe T Homes® model of Hope Centers - the Mamie Gbluwon Hope Center in Larpea # 1 Town, Nimba County, Liberia.
On March 30, 2023, the first ten orphans were enrolled, followed by another ten on March 31, 2024. Currently, the Center has twenty kids. The Center will, over a period of time, become a home to 100 orphans.
Serve Africa is improving the quality of life for orphans through education, spiritual formation, and vocational skills. Our ultimate goal is to produce devout Christian young men and women with the relevant character traits, skills, and disciplines to transform the society for Jesus.
The cost of living per child is $50 per month ($600/yr). This amount covers costs of education, food, clothing and other living expenses.
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." Matthew 40:25 (NIV)