Your support provides safe drinking water for orphans, poor villagers and their communities. There is a lack of safe drinking water in many parts of Liberia, especially in the rural communities. Open Pit Wells continue to serve as the primary source of water for persons living in villages and rural communities. In certain remote places, creeks and streams are used to gather drinking water.
There is a growing demand for hand pumps in towns and villages as a result of hike in water-born diseases including dysentery, diarrhea, cholera, and typhoid fever. We are seeking partnership to construct 100 hand pumps. The pumps will enhance water purification and water safety for impoverished villages, communities and orphanages.
The cost of construction and installation of one bore-hole hand pump is $6,885. See quotation for cost details. Each hand pump will serve at least 1,000 persons over many years and over many generations.
Help us improve the quality of life for people who have been affected by abject poverty. Water is life!