We are seeking individual and organizational support with our ongoing projects. These projects are crucial for the capacity development of our two Hope Center locations, as well as for the continued implementation of our programs and services to our target groups - orphans, underprivileged kids, widows and village pastors.
Birthing Center: $14,000 With the partnership of GoServ Global, we are in the process of establish a birthing center in rural Liberia. The Center will provide services to impoverished pregnant women who lack access to healthcare due to poverty.
In August 2024, the first five Safe T Homes® were built to serve as initial facilities. Our goal is to open the Center for operation by January 2024. To meet this goal, we need to put in place four additional structures that are required by law. These additional facilities must be built before the Center can be certified.
Security Fence: $12,000 We need funding to construct a security fence around the Hope Center in Mt. Barclay. The fence will help to provide protection for the kids, students and staff, as well as protection for important resources (including office equipment) at the Center. Agriculture: $75,000 Serve Africa's TEACH US TO FISHis a program designed to create financial independence for our target groups and provide sustainable income for the operations of our Hope Centers and birthing center. We have considered investing into at least 100 acres of cassava plant. The above amount will be used to purchase and develop the land, buy farming equipment/tools, and pay for labor force. Learn more here.
Shipping Container: $12,000 We send shipping containers to Liberia at least one time a year. The approximate cost to pull a container from the rail/storage, load it with supplies, ship it to Liberia, clear it from customs, and deliver it to the Hope Center is $12,00.00. Learn more here.
Cafeteria and Vocational Training Building: $75,000 We are in need of a multipurpose building unit at the Hope Center near Monrovia. The building will contain a cafeteria where kid/students will eat and other separate units that will be used for vocational skills training programs, including Tailoring (Sewing), Catering (Pastry), Soap Making, and Interior Decoration. A part of Serve Africa’s vision is to provide vocational skills (trade) alongside formal classroom education. The goal is to provide every kid with the requisite life skills needed to live independently upon completion of high school.
Motorcycles for Pastors: $25,000 Twenty-five our our pastors need motorcycles to